Monday, January 26, 2015

This weekend's report!

Not quite what I had in mind.....

That pretty much sums up my weekend. How about you?

So, Friday, dinner was a fiasco. We ended up getting Chinese food. I didn't over eat in terms of the main dish, but those damn egg rolls. I couldn't resist.

So, I thought that would be my cheat meal for the week.

Then Saturday came. Now, I'm not really good at keeping my schedule on weekends. What that means is that I stay up later than usual, sleep in later than usual, and do not eat on any sort of schedule. Recipe for disaster!

I had plans on Saturday at 10 am, and my husband had plans as well. I woke up about 8 am, so there was no time to hit the gym before hand. I got ready, and me and my step-daughter went out with my cousin and family. It was fun. We went to their house for lunch. I chose not to eat it, thinking I'd be home soon enough and be able to eat something healthier. I was wrong. We had some errands to run, so we did. We didn't get home until about 3 or so. I was starving. At this time, my husband called me saying he was almost home and hungry too, so we ordered pizza. At that point, I had only had a piece of toast for the day. Bad me! So, I over indulged on pizza for sure. I also had cake, that I had made because Friday was my husband's birthday. It was not a small piece. I also had a couple of drinks. Talk about going over board. I never made it to the gym on Saturday. I forgave myself for that calling it my rest day. But the food was a terrible mistake.

Sunday we went to breakfast at my in-laws house. I did good on portions since it was biscuits and gravy. Then, I got home and hit the gym. 5.5 miles on the elliptical. Woot woot! I did laundry for the rest of the day, along with some course work for my real estate license. I ate a sensible dinner around 4 and then a snack of some kashi cereal around 6.

I wasn't feeling too bad about my choices until this morning. My weigh in was 221.4. That's a 2.4 pound gain from Friday morning. This is why I choose to weigh myself every day. I need to get on that for the weekends. If I would have gotten up early Saturday and seen the result of the salty Chinese food, I would have perhaps made better choices on Saturday in terms of activity and food.

My take away from this weekend is that everything counts. I could have had pizza or a drink or a small piece of cake, but any of them should have been done in moderation, and only one of them...not all 3. In order to keep up with my progress, I need to stick to a schedule. Maybe not get up at 4:30 on weekends, but maybe like 6. That would allow me to still get my exercise in without hindering our family plans. Regardless, I do not want to watch this happen again. I let my surroundings dictate my actions, and my will was not strong.

I did manage to get some before pictures taken.

In my opinion, these are entirely too similar to my old before pictures. Makes me so sad.
Wins for the weekend: making it to the gym Sunday, following my food plan Sunday, and I finished my online reading for my real estate license.
I did make it to the gym this morning. This week it is 4.5 miles in the morning with another 1 mile at night :)

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