Friday, January 30, 2015

Staying strong!

Sometimes everything seems like more than you can handle, and I know with me, the first thing to suffer is usually myself. For instance, let's say there is just crap going on at home....well, I usually make sure all of that is attended to and skip the stuff I worry about for me. But, this time I'm not. Sitting here, I can see crumbs on the kitchen counter, the dishwasher needs unloaded, there is a load of laundry done in the dryer that needs folded and put away, the table has miscellaneous stuff that I need to find a place for, and the kitchen floor is muddy from the dogs. Now, in the past, I would have stayed up last night to make sure this was all taken care of before I went to bed. Staying up means I wouldn't have been able to get up this morning for the gym. But I didn't. I need to remember that I am important. I still think it absolutely sucks that I need to get up at 4:30 to have some me time, to make being healthy fit into my life, but oh well. So be it. It doesn't hurt anything to let the dirtiness wait a day. It will hurt a lot if I don't take care of myself!

I've done good the past couple of days. I couldn't write yesterday because I had a doctors appointment at 7:30. This is the first time I can think of that the doctor hasn't commented on my weight. Not that it's in a safe place, but that they were focused on other aspects. I'm going to be quitting smoking, so I got Chantix. I'm excited.

Today I weighed in at 218.0. Not too shabby! I like it when I lose weight. Makes the work and not snacking seem worth it.

I'm worried about today a bit. We are going out to eat for lunch as an office. Let's pray I can pick something not bad for you. And that I don't overeat. We also have to pick up my stepdaughter about an hour away after work. I assume both my husband and I are going, but I'm not completely sure. That being said, we are to meet them around 6 pm. That means we have to leave at 5. I get off work at 4:45 and it takes me about 15 minutes to get home. From there, we have to leave immediately. No time to eat. Then it's an hour drive there and an hour drive back. We will get home around 7-8. That's awfully late to be eating dinner. My alternative is to get something while on the road. Probably not a lot of healthy options there either. OI OI OI!

Temptation wise, I need this banana bread to disappear. It calls my name at night. Haha!  It's just that I like something sweet after a meal. I need to get jelly beans. That way I can have like 4 jelly beans, calories will be low, and I will satisfy the sweet tooth. Now, where to hide them so everyone else doesn't jack them?

I'm excited to go shopping tomorrow because I have the lists from the new cookbooks. I really hope we find some recipes we love!!

I am planning to get up at 6 tomorrow, maybe 5:30, so I can get up and still do my routine. We have my stepdaughter, so there will be some family time stuff. We need to do some housework. I have to shop. I have an oil change appointment at 9 am. I may be showing a few houses. It's going to be a busy Saturday. It's also supposed to snow Saturday night into Sunday, with and expected 4-6+, who knows what will be in store.

Have a great weekend!

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